So last Friday we got this really bad storm that rolled in
And I thought that it looked really cool so I took
some pictures! Here is the story to go with
the pictures I took. Hope y'all enjoy!

Tory and I were on a date something we have not done in a very long time. So our plans were to go to dinner and then a movie. So after a wonderful dinner we were ready to set down and enjoy a nice movie with out kids, after walking our of the restaurant we looked up and this is what we saw. So we thought that we would do a movie another night. I had remember that I had my camera with me so of course I just had to take some pictures of this and boy am I glad that I did, because they turned out so good!

The first picture looks like a huge wave is getting ready to fall right onto Idaho Falls. As I am looking at the sky and taking these amazing pictures I at the same time could not believe what I was looking at.I just kept saying how cool this was and that I was so glad that I was getting some really sweet pictures.

So about five minutes after we drove under the clouds we got hit hard with rain, wind and hail. The wind was so bad that it was blowing us off the road at that point I thought for sure that we were going to end up seeing a tornado. All I could think of was, we really need to get the boys and get home. Thank goodness we didn't get a tornado, but the wind that we did get really did a number on some of our trees.