Tory's birthday was on the 10th. We had cake and a nice night at home.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Christmas Tree
We decided to put up the Christmas tree and the kids had a blast doing it. They put on all the ornaments them selfs. It was so much fun to see them so in to it. I hope that all yall have a wounderful christmas.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:53 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
On saturday December 6th Tory and I worked on the house after coming home that night we picked up our boys from my mother in laws and came home. A bit later we had some of our friends over for dinner and a movie. We put Braydon down for bed around 8pm and Corbin down around 8:30pm. After getting the boys into bed we started our movie and played a game. We also had our niece Lataya staying with us that night and it was such a blessing that she was there because we did not have to get Corbin up out of bed. At 11pm that night Braydon woke up and was coughing really bad and was having a difficult time breathing. I held him until he went back to sleep then he did the same thing so at 12:45am we took him to the hospital. They gave him a breathing treatment and told use that he has Croup, then sent us on are why back home. We got home around 4am and put him to bed he slept really good. Got up at 7:45am and was good to go for that day. Then after lunch he showed the same symptoms that he had that night. Tory then called his doctor and let them know of his symptoms they then told him that we needed to get him back to the ER so we did. We got there at about 4:30pm. He had it so bad that they wanted him to stay over night to make sure that his breathing would get better, but he had a really bad night so they made us stay another night. After the first night and first full day in the hospital we were hoping that he would have a good night so that we could go home that next morning. He had a very good night so they let us go home today.
I had no idea what Croup was. So for those of you who don't know here are some facts.
-Croup does not refer to a single illness, but rather a group of conditions involving inflammation of the upper airway that leads to a cough that sounds like a bark, particularly when a child is crying.
-Most Croup is caused by viruses, but similar symptoms may occasionally be caused by bacteria or an allergic reaction. The viruses most commonly involved are parainfluenza virus,adenovirus,respiratory syncytial virus,influenza,and measles.
-Most cases of Croup due to viruses are mild and can be treated at home,though rarely it can be sever and even life-threatening. Some kids are more prone to developing Croup,especially those who were born prematurely or with narrowed upper airways,and babies with a history of breathing problems like asthma.
Posted by Jennifer at 1:43 PM 5 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
The wall are up!
Here is another update on the house. We now have the outer walls all up. I have a lot of picture and wanted to show most of them so I thought that I would make a little slide show. Hope that yall enjoy the updates and the pictures. I hope that we will be putting up the inside walls tomorrow. I will take pictures of it and post them as soon as I can.
Posted by Jennifer at 10:20 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
New baby!
Damon and Cindy had their baby on the 26th she was 3 days late so we were all so excited when they called to say that they had the baby. They had a baby boy. They named him Tripp. He is a healthy, beautiful baby as you can very well see.Tripp, 7 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long.
First family picture.
Posted by Jennifer at 5:00 PM 1 comments
A fun day.
On tuesday I watch my twin brothers kids. They had such a good time playing. Corbin and Paige are 11 weeks apart so it is way for to see them play and have a good time together. Braydon and Samuel are also 11 weeks apart crazy I know but very true. They were so good and played so well.Paige and Corbin
Braydon with Mr. potato heads glasses on..
Posted by Jennifer at 4:40 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Things kids do.
I went in the kitchen to start on dinner
Posted by Jennifer at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Island Park weekend.
We thought that it would be nice to take the boys for little drive to Island Park. We had such a good time. After we turned onto this one road there were two moose standing right in front of us. It was really neat to see them way up close. We went up the road some more and thought it would be good to let the boys get out and walk around for a little bit. At first Corbin would not get out because of the moose that we had seen earlier, but then I told him that it was not going to come near us he was fine. He got out and after about 3 minutes he was to cold and did not want to be outside. Braydon on the other hand did not want to get back into the truck after getting out. He had so much fun playing in the snow and just walking all around. It was so cute to watch him in the snow. This was his first time in the snow and he would not keep on his gloves, but he still loved it.
Posted by Jennifer at 7:42 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Part of the floor of the house.
Friday and saturday Tory and I put in 12 hours each out at the house, but for the most part we worked on some of the other houses. So on saturday after noon when our foremen said that we were going to start on our house we were so excited. We worked on getting the floor all done. We got most of it done,but then it got to be to dark to work.So Tory got up early so that he could go out there to finish it all up.The boys and I went out there this after noon to take him lunch and to see how it was coming along.He has worked so hard on it. So here are some more pictures that I have take..
Posted by Jennifer at 3:29 PM 2 comments