Our little baby girl is growing and changing so quickly. She turned 5 months old on the 20th! I honestly can't believe it, time is going by to fast for me, but I love all the new little things she can do. It seems she is constantly learning something new and Kaislyn is so curious now!
At 5 months: Kaislyn Faith
~Laughing non stop!
~Her smiles are getting bigger and bigger
~She is loving the pool and swimming
~Has completely turned into a mommy's girl
~Grabbing at anything in her reach, especially food and drinks
~Rolling over
~Trying so hard to sit up on her own
~Loving "toys"but mostly her little bear
~She now rubs her eyes with her fist and rubs her head against your chest when she is tired
~Loves when you sing to her, she often joins in
~Likes to grab at your face and pinch your arms
~Plays the flirty,"I'm so shy" game with anyone that talks to her
~Getting cuter and cuter by the day!