Thursday, May 7, 2009

The rock is on the house..

The rock is now up on our house and we love it. I have to say that when we first saw it we went that does not look like that same rock that we pick out but it is and we love it.. It is coming together so well and so fast I can't believe it..

now onto the inside...


Gramma n Grampa said...

I love it. It really is a great color. Great job you guys!

Mandy said...

Soon very soon!

Lloyd Family said...

Lookin' good!! I can't believe that we are almost done with siding, horray. See you soon.

Danni said...

Wow, its really coming around! How exciting!

Melda said...

Good Job! Looks very nice, it won't be long now.

Megann said...

That looks great! Great job choosing the colors.


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