Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's soccer time..

Corbin had come home from school one day with a paper to sign him up for soccer. I had asked him if he wanted to play and of course he yelled yes, yes ,yes I want to play soccer mommy. So we went to the school later that week to signed him up. Today was his first day and he was so excited. He did pretty good for have never played before. There are some things that I really need to work with him on like keeping the soccer ball on the ground and not touching the soccer ball with his hands, but other than that I think that he will do very well.


Melda said...

Great job Corbin! Love ya, Nanni

Megann said...

I can imagine Corbin being good at soccer. Way to go kiddo!

Danni said...

I'm so excited for Corbin...I hope he enjoys playing soccer. oh and Happy Birthday Jennifer! I hope your boys make it a very special day for you! Love ya!

Janelle said...

He looks like such a big kid out there. Why do they have to grow up so darn quickly? Enjoy this young age. What a cutie.

Shannon said...

Wow, great job Corbin! I didn't realize he and Jed were so close in age. They're only two days apart!


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